The World Wide Web has witnessed a proliferation of cheap, template-based Websites. Typically produced using formulaic builders, such Websites undeniably serve the function of "getting something online," which at least avoids the embarrassment of not having secured any real estate on our planet's sole ubiquitous business network. The impression thus conveyed, however, is almost always generic and stale, if not downright trashy.

In its E-Commerce Survey, the Economist explains the importance of a high-quality Website that forcefully communicates a firm's personality and value proposition:

“A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide.  A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a company's brand, products and services—even if the firm does not sell online.  A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away.”

Independent research backs this view. According to an extensive study conducted by Consumer WebWatch (a division of Consumer Union/Consumer Reports) and the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, visitors determine a Website's credibility predominantly on the basis of the design quality, or the “look,” presented. "To look good is to be good--that's the primary test when people assess a Website's credibility," explains B.J. Fogg, Ph.D, Director of the Stanford research team. And "while consumers say they judge on substance, these studies demonstrate that they judge on aesthetics" affirms Beau Brendler, Director of Consumer WebWatch.

Your organization may be losing valuable opportunities because of a low-quality or underdeveloped Web identity, and your competitors may be capitalizing on your weakness. The sums at stake can be quite large, depending on the nature of, and your position in, the markets in which you are competing.  We're here to help you capture these revenues and growth opportunities, so tell us about the challenges you face.